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Congratulation to50KW Cooling tower Cooling sheet welder , cooling tower pvc packing welder for USA

2015/4/3 9:18:23 0comments 2322clicks Category:Company news


Congratulation to HR-50KW Large power Cooling tower Cooling sheet welder , cooling tower pvc packing welder for USA customer


applied for welding large pvc sheet, cooling tower cooling plastic sheet, cooling tower packing,cooling tower PVC  packing, industrial cooling tower packing,

Drenching PVC sheet, Marley cooling tower packing, PVC drenching sheet, cooling tower PVC drenching sheet, cooling tower PVC drenching packing.


On the site:

cooling tower packing welding machine


cooling tower packing welding machine


cooling tower packing welding machine


Mould view:

cooling tower packing welding machine


Welded samples:

cooling tower packing welding machine



Water leakage test:

cooling tower packing welding machine


Packing & shipping:


cooling tower pvc packing welding machine



cooling tower pvc packing welding machine

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