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handheld ultrasonic welder

2014/10/9 11:03:57 1876 clicks


Hipower handheld ultrasonic welder is a powerful and flexible tool that can be applied to many tasks.

When used in a development role the system can be quickly configured to produce test welds on prototype components.

This allows the user to determine the suitability of the process for the application and can help establish indicative welding parameters and cycle time useful information when considering the future production process.

The flexible configuration of the unit enables the hand tool to be mounted to a hand press in the vertical axis.

This allows prototype and evaluation work to be taken to the next level, ensuring a consistent and predictable approach angle, operation to a fixed stop with automatic start and utilisation of the inbuilt generator timer.

From this simple and portable approach, often performed at customer sites, the hipower lab's micro-process controlled weld delivery can then take trials to the next step.

Here, additional information such as height, distance and pressure can be obtained, making it possible to generate a production specification for the welding process.

By changing the sonotrode or tip, the same self tuning unit can be used to test different weld shape and size configurations.

There are many cases where Hipowe handheld welding system is used as a production tool.

Applied to low volume high mix product ranges or large complex three dimensional components, the hand operated welding unit provides a quick, clean and efficient solution to many joining, welding and cutting tasks.

Ergonomics is a major consideration for all manual and semi-automated processes and the hipower handheld ultrasonic welding system has been designed specifically with operators in mind.

The low weight, just 1kg, and slimline 'grasp' type grip with leaf switch operation, make the unit easy and comfortable to use, either horizontally or vertically.

Special configurations are also available to meet the needs of disabled users.

The unit also has an attachment for counterbalanced hanger systems and a mounting point for pantograph use.

The modest costs associated with the technology plus the ability to pre set the welding time parameter, which helps de skill the process, has seen the technology adopted in this configuration by companies involved in trade moulding, packaging, thermoforming and plastics fabrication.

A further benefit of the handheld configuration is its ability to provide a valuable back up for automated production systems.

Should an issue arise with one or more of the welding points within a production machine, the hand-operated system will enable an operator to complete or rework these specific welds, using the same welding parameters and enabling production to continue until repairs to the machine can be completed.

While many companies continue to use the handheld unit as the mainstay of their production processes, others have used this configuration to grasp the technology, understand its many benefits, develop production level concepts and apply it in more sophisticated forms.

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